Family & Community Government Policy & Strategies entries for Scotland include strategy documents which inform current and future policy.
Realising the Ambition
Realising the Ambition: Being Me builds upon the original principles and philosophy of Pre-Birth to 3 and Building the Ambition. The new guidance retains the relevant content from the previous guidance which it replaces, extending and strengthening it in line with current research and evidence about how children develop and learn.
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): policy statement (published 30 September 2022)
Getting is right for every child provides an outline of the core mechanisms of the policy. This includes updated values and principles along with aspirations for improving practice.
Progressing the human rights of children in Scotland: action plan 2021 to 2024 (published 19 November 2021)
This plan highlights how the rights of children will be progressed over the three year period.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force (2020) –
This initiative intends to improve the mental health services for children and young people. A key aim is to address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of this population.
The Promise (2020) – This is a commitment to implement the findings of the Independent Care Review, which seeks to transform the care system to ensure children grow up loved, safe, and respected.
The Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill became an Act on 07 November 2019
This act states that all forms of physical punishment towards children are against the law in Scotland.
Questions and answers – children and young people
Poster – children and young people
Poster – children and young people – person to talk to
Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 – This act focuses on reducing child poverty and its impact on health and well-being.
Voice of the Infant: best practice guidelines and infant pledge
Published 22 March 2023