Presenter: Professor Dawn Mannay, Cardiff University
Webinar: Enabling talk and reframing messages: Working creatively and collaboratively to create impact from the accounts of care experienced children and young people
Presenter: Professor Dawn Mannay, Cardiff University
Date: 9th April 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Location: Online, ZOOM
This presentation explores how creative and collaborative approaches can be drawn on as techniques of data production and tools of dissemination and impact. The focus of the presentation is a qualitative study into the educational experiences and aspirations of care experienced children and young people in Wales (n=67).
The project worked with care experienced peer researchers and drew on visual, creative, and participatory techniques to explore participants experiences of education and, importantly, their opinions on what could be done to improve it.
This multimodal approach allowed space for participants to think through their subjective, mundane, but important, experiences that operate alongside, and interact with, more structural challenges. Alongside a report, book and journal articles, a range of films, magazines, artwork, and music outputs were developed, as well as training workshops and a website, to ensure that the project recommendations could reach wide and diverse audiences.
This presentation suggests that the perspectives of children and young people need to be given a platform to inform policy and practice. Accordingly, researchers need to be creative in their approaches to both fieldwork and dissemination; harnessing the impact of the arts to make positive changes in the everyday lives of children and young people.
Dawn Mannay is Professor of Creative Research Methodologies at Cardiff University. Dawn has interests in education, inequalities, identities, and children and young people. Dawn is committed to working creatively with communities to produce multimodal data and disseminate the messages from research findings in innovative and accessible ways to increase the potential for social, educational and policy change and support informed practice.