Family & Community Government Policy & Strategies entries for Wales include strategy documents which inform current and future policy.

An Introduction to an Anti-racist Wales

Written Statement: Expanding Flying Start childcare to more children in Wales – Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services 

Published: 14 April 2023

Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy action plan 2023 to 2024: What we will do during the 2023 to 2024 financial year to deliver Cymraeg 2050: a million Welsh speakers

First published: 24 March 2023

Welsh Government – Consultation – summary of response National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the ages of 12 years (NMS) 2023: A summary of responses to the consultation on proposed changes to the NMS

Publish: January 2023

Ministerial Review of Play: Prepared by Play Wales for the Ministerial Review of Play Steering Group

Publish: 20 January 2023

Ministerial Review of Play BACKGROUND PAPER – Prepared by Play Wales for the Ministerial Review of Play Steering Group

Published: January 2023

Cafcass Cymru annual report 2021 to 2022

Published: 11 January 2023

Ending physical punishment in Wales: information for parents

First published: 20 September 2021 – Last updated:10 January 2023

Refugees and childcare and play: Advice for childcare providers and local authorities on childcare for refugees

First published: 7 April 2022 – Last updated: 15 November 2022 

Children and Young People 2019-22: Evaluation 

This report produced by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales details their plan for all children in Wales from the years 2019-2022 

Rights, respect, equality: Statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools

Published: 6 November 2019