These blogs, films, and advice materials were created by young people for young people. The content has been supported with help from CASCADE Voices – a group of young people associated with Voices from Care Cymru, Youth Fostering Ambassadors – a group of young people associated with The Fostering Network, Tribe – a group of young people involved in the Reaching Wider ‘Diamond Project’ at Swansea University, and other care-experienced young people.
Leicester Cares ran a social media campaign #CareDay20 #Reimagining asking for responses to the questions “I want a care system that…” and “I’m different because…” to highlight the issues care experienced young people face, but also the aspirations they have for the care system and their lives. These were the responses from young people:
Find out more about this social media campaign.
Postcard resources created by young people, in association with Voices From Care Cymru, as part of the CASCADE Voices research advisory group and with Tribe – a group of young people involved in the Reaching Wider ‘Diamond Project’ at Swansea University.
Postcards created by young people, in association with Voices From Care Cymru and CASCADE Voices.
Care Leaver Sophia
Watch videos by Care Leaver Sophia, an Oxford graduate who left care three years ago. She is passionate about educating people who are both in the system and outside the system on what being a foster carer is like. She started her YouTube Channel after discovering there was a lack of resources available related to care leavers. Sophia is currently working on her Master’s degree and will be posting a video every fortnight.