Jobs, funding & consultations

Welcome to the Care & Education ‘Jobs, Funding & Consultations’ area. Whether you’re looking for a new or short-term job, are a young person looking for employment or someone looking to move back into employment, follow our updates below for current and past job search information.  We’ve also dedicated an area to funding, grants, and… Read More

Research & reviews of practice

View our Care & Education resources used by both education and social care practitioners to support the education of care-experienced children and young people. This information focuses on advice contributed by organisations to assist people in their practice. We are actively seeking examples of resources used directly with children and young people, and if you have… Read More

Focus pages

The following Care & Education focus pages deliver a particular resource focus toward developed projects undertaken in Children’s Social Care research. These focused resources aim to provide an easily accessible and consolidated library of information relating to a specific case study.

Care & Education Events

Care & Education external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.

Case studies

Generously contributed by organisations and practitioners working with children, young people and families, Care & Education case studies are examples of best practice in Wales for those seeking to develop their approach. We welcome your responses to these case studies and encourage you to contribute your own.