At ExChange we know that busy practitioners do not have the time to find and read the latest research. Finding interesting and relevant articles, evaluating the quality of the research and making sense of the implications for practice are all time consuming activities – and most workers are busy dealing with the challenges of working with people.
To help you we are launching a new part of our website – regular Article Reviews. In Article Reviews, academics from CASCADE will identify an important recent article, summarise its findings and provide some critical thinking about the research and its implications.
We hope that these summaries will be useful – some may answer important questions, others may challenge your thinking or offer new ways of thinking about an issue or problem.
We also hope that the Reviews will help you decide whether or not you want to read the article itself – we are going to pick Reports and articles that are freely accessible whenever possible and provide links.
We hope that our Reviews will provide interesting, expert introductions to important current research that will help you find out the latest evidence in adult and children’s social care. We look forward to hearing from you whether you have found it helpful and how we might improve the service.