Do you work with young people who have been criminally exploited?
A research team from CASCADE are conducting a Health Care Research Wales funded research project in partnership with Barnardo’s aimed at developing a toolkit that enhances service and community responses to young people at risk or involved in child criminal exploitation. The research team are seeking help from practitioners with experience of supporting criminally exploited young people and who would be willing to:
- Take part in a 30-minute interview about how young people are targeted, what activities they are involved in and what types of support are helpful or unhelpful and/or
- Support data collection with young people who are or who have been criminally exploited, parents and/or carers. The team have created an activity pack for young people that can be delivered by a member of the research team or the practitioner, depending on young person preference.
This data will be used to inform the design of the toolkit. The toolkit will be disseminated across Wales in Autumn 2021. For more information about the project please contact Nina Maxwell (