Working hand in hand: a new magazine for foster carers
The Fostering Network in collaboration with Cardiff University have developed a new magazine for foster carers Working Hand in Hand…
We worked to develop a video from young people for young people…
Cyberbullying is defined as “any behaviour performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that…
Time for Change: Improving care and support for people with learning disabilities
On 12th March 2019, ExChange Wales held its first conference of the year; ‘Time for Change: Improving Care & Support for People with Learning Disabilities’, at Llancaiach Fawr Manor in Caerphilly County Borough.
Early infant feeding
Pregnancy and motherhood are increasingly subjected to surveillance and research has highlighted that public breastfeeding is difficult to navigate. At the same time…
All you need is love and a village?
A few weeks ago I wrote an article that set out to explain why almost thirty years after the Children Act became operational many care experienced young people still find themselves on the receiving end of a patchy ad hoc service that all too often fails to deliver.
Charting the rise of children and young people looked-after in Wales
Children and Young People ‘Looked After’? Education, Intervention and the Everyday Culture of Care in Wales uses publicly available data on children looked-after to consider
Welcome to Exchange: Family and Community
How did it begin and how can you help? The Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) worked with the Welsh Government in developing an online community of practice resource to improve the educational experiences of children and young people who are looked after in Wales – ExChange: Care and Education. The resource provides practitioners, foster… Read More
Thousands more care workers needed in Wales by 2030
Wales will need thousands more people to work in caring roles with adults and children by 2030 if it is to keep pace with the growing demand for care services and provide support for communities across the country…
Social Media and Young People in Care: the Case for Digital Literacies and Resilience
Uh-oh is probably the most common reaction of social care professionals to the idea that a young person in care is, or wants to use, social media.