An outcomes approach to practice has been promoted for many years, as have attempts to meaningfully record them. A strong emphasis on rehabilitation focused change outcomes has sometimes resulted in practitioner led outcomes rather than personal outcomes. It has also led to the neglect of other important well-being outcomes, particularly amongst older people with high support needs,who cannot always be rehabilitated. 

A prevailing performance driven culture of proving rather than improving has led to the introduction of reductionist approaches to measurement with a focus on scoring numbers. However, capturing truly personal outcomes can be elusive. Success appears to lie more in stories than in numbers. 

In this seminar, Nick will set out some of the challenges and successes around recording and using personal outcomes information in social care. He will also introduce the recent Social Care Wales guidance on recording personal outcomes, ‘Friend not Foe’ that he has been working on with Emma Miller from the University of Strathclyde and Jess Matthews in Social Care Wales.

The seminar encouraged lively discussion about the ups and downs of the outcomes agenda. 

Webinar presented by Nick Andrews, Swansea University

Additional Resources recommended by the presenter

What Works Wellbeing

Person-Centred Community Care Inventory (PERCCI)

King’s Fund experienced-based co-design (and Magic / Tragic)

ESRC Meaningful and Measurable Collaborative Action Research project