Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.
12 Jul 2022
Online via Zoom
Kinship Foster Carers (Connected Persons) often don’t choose to be foster carers, but the law requires them to be assessed, supervised and supported as a foster carer to ensure a child in care can remain in a regulated placement. For many reasons, it can be difficult to achieve approval of some kinship foster carers, and the ‘placement’ becomes unlawful or unregulated.
In this Exploring Expertise webinar, join Alexandra Conroy-Harris, Legal Consultant and Ann Horne, Kinship Consultant at CoramBAAF, who will explore the legal and regulatory framework that can result in unregulated placements, explore possible legal solutions, and reflect on best practice around approval of kinship foster carers in the context of National Minimum Standards, professional anxiety and the panel process, and the need for robust support plans.
The session is aimed at social work managers, supervising social workers, children’s social workers, panel chairs, foster carers and adopters and other professionals.
Members: FREE (don’t forget to log in to your account to receive your discount)
Non-members: £20+VAT.
ExChange Wales is not responsible for external links or resources.