Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.
11 July 2022
10.00am – 4.00pm
Online Open Course
Foster carers are increasingly being asked to care for a parent and their child during care proceedings, and to contribute towards the assessment of parenting capacity. This type of arrangement is complex, involving different tasks and responsibilities.
This course will consider the foster carer’s key role in providing parent and child arrangements and ensuring successful outcomes for children. It will also provide clarity about the role of the agency and the supervising social worker in monitoring, reviewing, evaluating and supporting foster carers, whilst making certain that practice is transparent and compliant with the law.
This course is aimed at; foster carers, referral and assessment social workers, family support social workers and supervising social workers.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the legal and regulatory bases for parent and child arrangements
- Recognise the roles and responsibilities of the foster carer and the parent
- Reflect on messages from research and identify the specific aspects that relate to successful outcomes
- Consider the management of safeguarding issues
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