Family and Community (Page 3)

  • CLASS Cymru: Supporting care-experienced people into higher education in Wales

    Staff from CASCADE and the Centre for Student Life at Cardiff University launched a new website to help care-experienced young people in Wales and those who support them learn more about higher education and transitions to university…

  • Playful Childhoods – promoting a childhood ‘full’ of play

    Playful Childhoods is a Play Wales campaign that aims to help parents and community groups to provide more opportunities for children to play at home and in their neighbourhoods…

  • “We can’t keep up”

    Leicestershire Cares released findings of a rapid assessment of the impact that the cost of living crisis in young people that suggest that the crisis is already taking a huge toll on young people’s mental and physical health…

  • Creative voice courses at the Wales Millennium Centre

    Creative Voice is a unique training programme offering young people the platform to explore their interests, express themselves, build creative confidence, and to share their narrative through practical learning…

  • School resources to promote an efficient use of energy at home

    The National Energy Action (NEA) has created new online education resources to help primary school children become home energy experts. The challenges are adapted from some of their most popular education materials and introduces children to concepts such as where energy comes from, what we use it for, and how to use it safely and efficiently at home…

  • New Thrive Magazine – Mental Health and Wellbeing

    This edition of Thrive magazine looks at all the different resources available to support children and young people with mental health and provides advice and tips for maintaining and wellbeing…

  • Claim What’s Yours

    Families across Wales are feeling the strain on their household budgets due to the rising cost of living, making that extra bit of help more important than ever. Many people are unaware they may be entitled to benefits that could offer the support they need. Although the campaign is no longer running on media platforms, the resources can be used on your channels whilst the cost of living crisis continues…

  • The Fostering Network’s State of the Nation’s Foster Care 2021 reports

    Access the reports and findings of The Fostering Network State of the Nation’s Foster Care survey, which runs every three years to produce a reliable insight into fostering in the UK…

  • Help with bullying and relationships – a Kidscape guide

    A practical and useful guide to help children and young people feel happy and safe in school, in the community and online. It discusses topics like: What can you do if you’re being bullied? How can you support others? What if you have bullied someone else?…

  • British Academy’s Childhood Policy Programme produces child friendly booklet

    The British Academy’s Childhood Policy programme booklet is aimed specifically at children and it explores the effects the ongoing pandemic had in children living in the UK…