Family and Community (Page 2)

  • COVID–19, Education and Learning: Amplifying Young Children’s Voices

    A new report has been launched that presents the findings generated in a Welsh Government commissioned study of education in the COVID-19 pandemic. The study offered a platform for the voices of children and provided opportunities for them to share their experiences of the pandemic…

  • A wider view of education for Children in Care

    It is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that all education happens at school. However, Dr Karen Kenny research highlights the amount of learning that is happening all around children, all of the time. This work suggests it would be helpful to adopt a wider view when considering the education of young people who are in the care of the state, helping them to identify their successes…

  • ‘A Focus on the Future’ Pack for Businesses

    Leicestershire Cares recent Spring Champions meeting saw the launching of a pack aimed at raising awareness of visual impairment in the workplace…

  • Arts Methods for the Self-Representation of Undergraduate Students

    This book presents research gathered among arts educators, and lecturers in the social sciences and humanities to offer practical approaches to integrating arts methods in taught programme content; also exploring how meeting points for self-representation are created in extracurricular arts practice…

  • New special edition of Thrive magazine – Money, money, money! 

    The issue tries to address some of the worries and fears that young people told us they have about money; and looks at what support is available to help them – plus there’s all our usual features, like ‘Ask Matt’ and ‘Real Life’.  We also look at the basic income pilot for care leavers in Wales and interview a Welsh Government minister to find out more. 

  • British Academy launch of Reframing Childhood: exploring the report in a Welsh context

    With the launch of ‘Reframing Childhood’, the British Academy final report of the Childhood Policy programme, over 50 childhood stakeholders meet at the CASCADE Centre at Cardiff University to discuss the report’s findings. This blog summarises and highlights key ideas that emerged during this discussion…

  • Care-experienced students in Wales: from students to graduates

    Research carried out by Dr Ceryn Evans at Swansea University is exploring the experiences of care experienced university students as they navigate through university and embark on transitions from university to post-graduation life. She is currently recruiting participants to inform her research. Find out more about the research here…

  • Mental health and care experienced young people

    Over the past few months Leicestershire Cares have been working with a group of care experienced young people to think about some of the issues that are most prevalent in their lives. Over several sessions the group identified Mental Health as the primary concern currently impacting on their lives…

  • The cost of living crisis and its impact on education

    The cost of living crisis has been making headlines for months, as prices rise and many families struggle to make their incomes stretch. But much less has so far been known about how those wider financial pressures are impacting on children in the classroom. The Sutton Trust latest research looks at that vital question…

  • Separating families: Experiences of separation and support

    A new report has been launched, which provides evidence from parents and their children about their experiences when their parents separated…