We are pleased to be able to launch the Website of the Children’s Participation in Schools project.

We are an Economic and Social Research Council ESRC funded project spanning across four universities with a focus on young children’s participation rights in the lower primary setting. The primary aim of our project is to explore and examine pedagogic practices that embed participatory rights while consistently attending to young children’s voices and agency. Our research aims to establish teaching practices that embed young children’s participative rights in classrooms and schools. We are working with a range of individuals and organisations across the project such as teachers, higher education institutions, professional learning opportunities and of course children.

We now have a webpage which offers information about our project and is a space for resources and news about all things related to participation in primary schools. On our website you can find out more about all parts of the project, including information on our team, funders, and partners. We are also a centre for all things related to children’s participation in schools, with our resource hub designed to provide valuable information and for those interested in promoting and fostering children’s participation rights in educational settings. In addition to the resources, the project also has blogs, vlogs, and podcasts about our research and information about events and news including upcoming training sessions, conferences, and webinars in the News section of the website.

Please come and look around our webpage and pass on to all colleagues and friends who might have an interest in young children’s participation rights in schools.

If you would like to get involved in our Collaborative Network to be part of the Children’s Participation in Schools project you can also join the network, and subscribe to our newsletter.

The Children’s Participation in Schools Team