Mind Matters: Tackling loneliness and the power of community among care leavers
Poor mental wellbeing is commonly associated with care-experienced young people. Their experiences in lacking positive family or peer groups support can also introduce a sense of loneliness. But positive activities can help to shift the state of mind to a brighter outlook…
The PATCHES Project: Parents’ and their children’s experiences of separation and support
When a family separates, it can be a challenging time for everyone. There are difficult conversations to have and sometimes families need support to help find a way through…
Corporate parenting in a pandemic: Delivery and receipt of support to care leavers in Wales
During COVID-19, care leavers in Wales looked to their corporate parents for support. Accordingly, this mixed method study examined the experiences of care leavers during the pandemic. It included a survey of…
Supporting parents and kids through lockdown experiences: SPARKLE Trial
The SPARKLE (Supporting Parents and Kids through Lockdown Experiences) study team, based at King’s College London and Oxford University, are looking for UK parent/carer participants to test their new specially-designed science-based ‘parent positive’ app…
Co-RAY evidence-based briefings
In collaboration with research and clinical experts, we have produced briefings which provide evidence-informed messages on how to support young people with these four key issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond…
Participants wanted for a study into digital mental health services
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of services that have been previously delivered face-to-face had to move online, one of these being mental health services…
How can we work virtually to support children and their families?
As restrictions are lifted across Wales, it is clear that coronavirus (Covid-19) has transformed the way we do things in so many aspects of life. It is important to reflect on changes in how practitioners have engaged…
What we have learnt from connecting care-experienced young people to business
Leicestershire Cares mission is to broker partnerships and create opportunities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland that enable the business sector to understand community needs, contribute to the growth of inclusive, safe communities and to support…
Look Say Sing Play
First-time mums have been sharing their experiences of parenthood during the pandemic as part of a newbrain-building campaign called Look Say Sing Play being launched in Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan to help parents support their baby’s development…
How gender stereotyping is failing boys at risk of child sexual exploitation
Lauren Hill and Clive Diaz from Cardiff University have carried out research into how gender stereotypes may impact on the support offered to young people who are at risk of child sexual exploitation. This blog provides a short summary of their findings…