In May, the Future Generations Report 2020 was published. This report analyses the progress of all public bodies, including Welsh Government, in implementing the wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act since it became law in 2015. It reflects on the progress of all public bodies in terms of whether they have embraced the cultural change required by the Act, and considers the progress being made on each of the seven national wellbeing goals. More than 5,000 people told the Future Generations Commissioner and her office about what kind of place they want to live in, and what kind of place they want to leave for future generations. The report shares a vision for the future of Wales and sets out recommendations for government and public bodies to help achieve this vision.
Through the interactive online version you can navigate a future Welsh city and its surroundings, there’s a joint emergency services hub (decorated by a local artist) and a gym and leisure centre connected to the hospital, next to a community ‘hwb.’ Wellbeing hubs are dotted across the city, suburbs and countryside. Alongside independently run cafes and shops, sustainable consumption and production is promoted via a swap shop and a repair cafe next to a recycling centre.
Trains make several stops to serve much of the community and there are no cars in the centre – instead, multiple bike racks. A forest centre sits next to a transport hub and there are e-cars with charging ports. In a park, neighbours play wheelchair sports and do outdoor yoga and the Wales women’s rugby team train.
The town hall flies the Welsh flag and a Pride flag, culture is to be found everywhere, the Welsh language is used in everyday life, and there is an outdoor debating space to encourage citizen involvement. Elsewhere, wind turbines and ‘green bridges,’ to mitigate the impacts of roads on walkers and cyclists, providing a safe crossing for wildlife, are the norm. It’s a Wales with kindness and wellbeing at the heart. One that is fit for the needs of the future.
We have been delighted to work with the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner, and other organisations, to create a young person’s version of the Future Generations Report, which is accessible and exciting.
Developed by a diverse group of young people, to translate the report into their voice and creative style of choice, this version of the report aims to engage other young people, explaining why the content of the report is relevant to them and their future, alongside how they can get involved in demanding the Future Wales they need.
Content provided by Young Wales.