Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.
6 July 2023
10am – 4pm
Online – Zoom
Fees apply
Foster carers are susceptible to allegations and/or complaints which will impact on the whole fostering household and their future as care givers. How should we as a profession respond to these situations in a sensitive, timely manner, whilst giving due regard to the safeguarding of children as well as the needs of carers and their household?
This open course will address the process for distinguishing standards of care concerns from allegations or complaints, with opportunities to share good practice in recruiting, reviewing and supporting foster carers.
Learning outcomes
- To focus practice on safeguarding the child
- To consider the importance of panel, supervision and foster carer reviews in monitoring the needs of the child /young person and the capacity of foster carers to meet these needs
- To consider the legislative framework and best practice in managing allegations and monitoring standards of care
- To be familiar with the process for distinguishing standards of care concerns from allegations or complaints
- To identify ways of managing risk in foster care in order to reduce and minimise safeguarding concerns
- To consider the importance of positive relationships between foster carers, professionals and the fostering service that includes developing and sharing good practice as well as addressing concerns in a timely way
ExChange Wales is not responsible for external links or resources.