Please note: These events are being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.

Frontline workers have a crucial role to play when it comes to tackling fuel poverty, whether working for a national, regional or local organisation. When households are struggling to keep warm and pay bills, advice workers can make a real difference to their health and finances.

National Energy Action’s (NEA) dedicated training team offers courses for assisting households with fuel poverty, energy efficiency, decarbonisation and more. Their courses teach frontline workers how to identify vulnerable households, provide them with useful advice and how to signpost them to further assistance and support. NEA also have courses which cover technologies such as smart meters and renewable energy, to help support households embrace the green transition. 

Courses come in a variety of formats, including webinars, e-learning and face-to-face training. 

See when NEA is running training events that can help your organisation with topics ranging from fuel poverty to decarbonisation.

NEA training webinars:

Paying for Fuel

The course will look at how we are charged for gas and electricity, the types of tariffs we use and how we can limit our expenditure. It will help delegates understand the content of fuel statements and how we can use the information to assist householders.

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A Warm Welcome: Fuel Poverty, Health Impacts and Assistance

This fully funded webinar is part of the NEA’s ‘Warm Welcome’ project and is specifically aimed at healthcare professionals and other frontline staff / volunteers working with new and expectant families who want to learn about fuel poverty, its causes, and links with physical and mental wellbeing. 

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Vulnerability in the Energy Market Webinar

This course will look at how fuel suppliers, distribution network operators, gas distribution network companies and Ofgem define vulnerability and the support on offer, such as the Priority Services Register.

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Understanding Fuel Poverty and Health: Impacts on Mental Health Webinar

This course is designed for frontline staff who work with vulnerable and low-income groups who are at risk from living in cold and damp homes. It covers the impacts that living in fuel poverty can have on individuals’ mental health.

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Introduction to Domestic Energy Efficiency

Designed to provide a basic introduction to domestic energy efficiency for frontline staff providing householders with energy efficiency advice.

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Fuel Debt Advice in the Community

This course covers the causes of fuel debt, all issues householders may face with meters, fuel statements, payment and tariff options. It also considers the complaints procedures and support available for low-income and vulnerable households.

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Funded places are available to non-commercial organisations in England and Wales.

Learners must be frontline staff / volunteers that encounter and provide advice to clients in or at risk of fuel poverty (i.e. essentially on a low income / in a vulnerable situation and who are struggling to manage their household energy needs).

Key contact:
Lynsey Thompson, Training Co-ordinator at NEA
Tel: 01912615677

Visit NEA’s Training Diary for more information about their webinars.

NEA’s e-learning courses

Energy Awareness (Level 3 Award)

Aimed at workers who deliver energy advice to households, either face to face or over the phone, this course will cover energy saving methods and other knowledge and skills required to deliver useful advice.

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Decarbonising Homes: Technologies, Impacts and Solutions (Level 4 Award)

There are so many different ways householders can get involved in the green transition. This course provides a practical understanding of a range of low carbon and renewable technologies, their impacts, and how they can help people living in fuel poverty.

Find out more

Key contact:
Lynsey Thompson, Training Co-ordinator at NEA
Tel: 01912615677

Visit NEA’s Course Outlines for more information about their webinars and e-learning courses.

ExChange Wales is not responsible for external links or resources.