Tuesday, September 17
9:30am – 4:30pm

This one-day training aims to enable frontline staff who work with children and young people have a solid understanding of neurodiversity, an appreciation of its differing presentations affecting assessment and diagnosis of children and young people as well as an understanding of global risks associated with neurodiversity. The trainer aims for the participants to move away from a single lens focus and for participants to see the whole child/young person so they may work optimally with other services.

Learning Outcomes

  • What is Neurodiversity?
  • What is neurodivergence?
  • What are the genetics and prevalence?
  • What is a spiky profile?
  • Cooccurrence of conditions i.e. ADHD & Autism etc
  • Early Years: Parental Concerns
  • Association of poor outcomes with late identification and support
  • Link with mental health disorders
  • Parents ND mental Health and Trauma
  • Diagnostic labels v Needs led approach.
  • (medical model v biopsychosocial model)
  • Relation and strength focused approaches
  • Inclusive practices – universal support
  • Coregulation and Regulation techniques at home and school
  • Meltdowns v Tantrums
  • ND and the Whole System Approach, Whole School Approach, ALN Reform and Curriculum for Wales

Who is it aimed at?

Frontline staff who work with neurodivergent children, young people and their families with who want to improve their skills and knowledge to increase their confidence in identifying, connecting, supporting and signposting said children, young people and their families to improve outcomes for families.

If you are a member of Children in Wales, please contact training@childreninwales.org.uk to receive your 10% off discount code.

ExChange Wales is not responsible for external links or resources.