The new Curriculum for Wales in early years education: Opportunities and issues for implementation, the Areas of Learning and Experience, building responsive environments, staff support and leadership, and raising standards
Morning, Thursday, 16th June 2022
This conference will be an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the new early years curriculum as part of the new Curriculum for Wales.
Areas for discussion include key challenges for:
- assessment – squaring the curriculum’s focus on child-centred learning with assessment and evaluation of learner progress
- quality – raising the standards of provision
- implementation – change management and the role of leadership in early years education
- nurturing understanding – creating more space and time for teachers to understand and develop the new curriculum during the implementation phase
- training – staff professional development and support
- transitioning to primary – improving coordination between early years and primary education, and smoothing the transition for learners under the new curriculum
The conference will also be a chance to examine the anticipated non-maintained nursery curriculum and assessment framework, with discussion on:
- priorities – for both the design and implementation phase
- support – what more might be required by early years settings to successfully teach the new curriculum
- challenges – the key challenges that early years practitioners expect to face with the new Areas of Learning and Experience
The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from the Welsh Government; Senedd Cymru; Esytn; the DfE; and Education Scotland.