Eligibility criteria
The following is the Cardiff Flying Start eligibility criteria:
a. Families with 0-3’s temporary housed in a designated Homeless Hostel or Refuge, which is outside of the Cardiff current FS catchments and LSOA’s. These families are offered the full Flying Start entitlement for the time they are resident in the Hostel/Refuge
b. Families in (a) above who are subsequently re-housed will continue to receive their parenting; childcare or Early Language Development entitlement if they have already started to receive a service, and will continue to have a Flying Start health visitor until transfer to generic;
c. Any family that transfers out of a Flying Start catchment/LSOA during receipt of specific Parenting; Childcare or Early Language Development intervention will continue to benefit until the end of the term in which they move out, and retain their Flying Start health visitor until transferred to generic;
d. Families who move out of a Flying Start area or those resident out of area, who are assessed as ‘low resilience/high need’ using the Health Visiting ‘Family Resilience Assessment Tool’ (FRAIT). These families will be considered on a case by case basis by a panel for any or all Flying Start core services, alongside opportunities to benefit from Team Around the Family; Families First; and IFST services. The criterion considers any Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the evident negative impact on the child’s health, development and wellbeing, as well as family functioning.
e. Vulnerable mothers with 0-3s in Ty Hafan Supported Housing for Lone parents; and consideration of referrals from Ty Enfys Mother and baby Supported Project will be offered the full Flying Start entitlement, as far as it is practicable.
f. Gypsy Traveller families with 0-3’s resident in Rover Way, Cardiff, will be offered the full Flying Start entitlement as far as it is practicable.