Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.
6, 20, 26 January / 9, 28 February / 8, 16 March 2023
09:30 – 13:00
This one day training will explore the issues around coproduction, examining what works for young people, based on their experiences and will equip participants with the tools to increase young people’s involvement in coproducing solutions to issues faced.
Co-production is an approach to public services that enables the people who are providing services and the people who are receiving services to share power and responsibility. It is about ‘give and take’, working together in equal, shared and caring relationships. It should lead to obvious change in approaches and creates opportunities for people to access support when they need it, in the way that meets their needs.
The training is FREE at the point of delivery as it is fully funded by Welsh Government as part of the ongoing implementation of the Social Service and Wellbeing Act 2014.
This course is aimed at the social care workforce, which includes; Social Workers, Social Work Assistants, Family Support Workers, Support and Care staff and staff working face to face with Children Looked After.
ExChange Wales is not responsible for external links or resources.