Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources.
Children’s Rights Thematic Webinar Series – Session 3
10 November 2022, 10am – 11.30am
Online via Teams
The Children’s Rights thematic webinar series draws on key strands of Welsh Government’s Children’s Plan and Programme for Government. Each session will focus on a different topic affecting children and young people, and aims to give a better understanding of the opportunities and barriers that exist in realising children’s rights in Wales. This webinar focuses on modern parenthood.
Join the third session of this series where you will hear from various speakers who will explore the changing nature of modern parenthood, and how professionals can best support parents’ and families’ needs.
The presentation will cover:
- How should we understand parents and the home?
- What do we know about how parents, parental care and homes are changing?
- What do we know about the support parents want and need?
- What does the available evidence tell us about the effectiveness of parenting programmes in meeting the needs of families with young children?
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