‘Gwella’ was a successful intervention developed and run by Barnardo’s Cymru across North and South Wales between 2017 and 2020.
The intervention was designed to support children aged between 5 and 11 years old who were involved with social services and had experienced trauma and abuse, providing a trauma-informed system of supportive professionals around them, and improving their relationships with their primary carers.
In total, 31 children and their parents and carers were supported through the project. This session shares key messages from the evaluation of the project, which had a strong focus on documenting the experiences of all those involved – which included the Gwella team, parents and carers, children, consultant specialists, and external professionals from social care and education. Key messages centre around what the Gwella intervention was and how it can be delivered effectively, as well as sharing what the outcomes were for children and families and how and why these were understood to have occurred.
Presented by: Dr Sophie Hallett, Cardiff University
For further information, visit the project page.