Call for submissions: Visual representations that #BreakTheBias.
Deadline: Tuesday 1st March 2022
Cardiff University PGR students will be celebrating international women’s day with a visual display of images that #BreakTheBias and ‘Imagine a Gender Equal World’
CUSOCSI will tweet all accepted submissions throughout the day on International Women’s Day, 8th March, with the hashtag #IWD2022. We will also create a webpage to display the work.
Submission criteria
If you would like to participate, please submit an original image that you feel represents any or all of the following:
-Your research relating to gender bias, discrimination, stereotypes, or inequality
-Your experiences working with or supporting women towards gender equality #BreakTheBias
-Your experiences of gender bias, discrimination, stereotypes, or inequality within university settings
Submissions are welcome from all women
Submission instructions
• All images must be original. We reserve the right not to publish any images that may be copyrighted.
• Each image should be formatted as an individual jpeg file.
• Each image must be sent with accompanying information in the following format:
• Name and/or Twitter handle or ‘Anonymous’/Pseudonym, image title, and description of the piece. In total this should total no more than 265 characters.
• A supporting statement/description – no more than 150 words.
All image submissions should be sent to by 10 am on Tuesday 1st March. You will receive confirmation of acceptance by Friday 4th March.