Wednesday 8th December 2021 – 1- 2PM
Please join us for the first online meeting of the academic year to hear about two projects with care experienced young people; and to contribute your ideas for the 2021-2022 programme. We will look forward to seeing you and hearing your thoughts.
Topic: Childhood and Youth Research Group
Time: Dec 8, 2021 01:00 PM London
Zoom Meeting
Please email Dawn Mannay for the meeting link
Participation and Decision making with children and young people in care
Clive Diaz – Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
This presentation will consider research that involved interviews with children in care, Social Workers, Independent Reviewing Officers and Senior Managers. It will outline young people and professional’s views of what helps and hinders children in care to participate meaningfully in decision making about their lives. The presentation reflects on the ways in which child in care reviews and decision-making forums could be changed to ensure that children in care play a more meaningful role in decision making.
Find out more about this research:
Decision Making in Child and Family Social Work
Challenging the stigma, discrimination, and poor outcomes for young parents in and leaving care: #MessagestoCorporateParents
Rachael Vaughan – Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
Young parents in and leaving care can often feel unsupported in negotiating the challenges of becoming a parent. This presentation discusses a project that aimed to challenge the stigma, discrimination, and poor outcomes for young parents in and leaving care. The project worked closely with young people and other key stakeholders to consider and promote good practice for parents in and leaving care. The project has developed a charter #MessagestoCorporateParents and other linked outputs and events.
Please contact the conveners of the Childhood and Youth Research Group – Dawn Mannay or Phil Smith if you have any questions.