Social media is surrounded by ethical dilemmas and ongoing questions in Social Work practice. To find out more about this I am conducting a survey as part of my Masters research dissertation in Social Work at Cardiff University.
The survey is a very short 5 minute online questionnaire, looking at social media use in Social Work. It asks questions in relation to how professionals are using social media, and examines some of the ethical dilemmas social media creates.
The questionnaire offers the opportunity for participants to highlight how they feel social media helps or hinders their everyday practice.
The survey is anonymous via the link below and it can be completed by anyone working in or training in Social Work or anyone who has worked in Social Work previously. The data will be used for my Masters dissertation, which I will complete in Spring 2020.
If you are a Social Worker past or present or training to be a Social Worker I would really appreciate your input.
Thank you for your support with this research.
Sofia Grammenos – Social Work Student – Cardiff University –