Mi chiamo Maria

vengo dall’Italia ma ho origini Rumene. Da piccola ho trascorso un periodo in comunità di 5 anni. Ho avuto mia figlia a 27 anni.  Pensi che le esperienze vissute nel corso dell’infanzia influenzino il tuo modo di essere genitore?   Mi rendo conto che da un lato sono molto severa, perché non vorrei fare gli stessi… Read More

Stretching the Strengths Approach Imagination 

It is over 30 years since the publication of an influential paper by Ann Weick, Charles Rudd, Patrick Sullivan and Walter Kisthardt, which crystallized a case for a ‘strengths perspective’ in social work. This perspective evolved from a shared determination to turn away from a policy and practice focus on ‘problems’, ‘deficits’, ‘the negative aspects of peoples and society’ (Weick et al 1989, p. 350), and their disempowering mark. Weick et al (1989) situate this perspective as an expression of social work’s values, and as challenge to rethink professional and institutional power which diminishes a person’s capacity to be the expert in their own lives… Read More