Should Care Experience be a Protected Characteristic?

Introduction As part of the Joining Up Joining In project funded from the Blagrave Trust we conducted a survey in partnership with our care experienced peer researchers. So far on the project, four young people have received training from Learning and Work Institute to become peer researchers and explore the issues that local care experienced… Read More

Prof. Harriet Ward CBE

PROFESSOR HARRIET WARD CBE is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Rees Centre, Oxford University and Emeritus Professor of Child and Family Research at Loughborough University. She has over 30 years’ experience both as a research director and field researcher, as an adviser to policymakers and service providers, and as a social work practitioner. Harriet… Read More

Prof. Beth Neil

PROFESSOR BETH NEIL is a Professor of Social Work, Director of Research and Chair of the Research Ethics Committee for the School of Social Work at University of East Anglia. Before joining the Department as a Ph.D. student in 1996 (progressing to lecturer in 1999 and senior lecturer in 2007) she worked for several years… Read More

Prof. Jim Clifford OBE

Read Jim’s profile and find out more about the Community Interest Company that he founded, Sonnet Impact & Advisory, where he is Chief Executive.  The research report “A home for me? A comparative review of the value of different forms of permanence for children – Adoption, SGOs and Fostering” that Jim will be discussing in… Read More

How many is too many?

Person is guilty Person is innocent Person is judged guilty True positive False positive Person is judged not-guilty False negative True negative In the context of child and family social work, the more abused children we identify, the more families will undergo child protection investigations. The more children we keep from being seriously maltreated, the… Read More