Help young people to ‘Change The Script’

New film to help young people to ‘Change The Script’ The film was funded by the People’s Postcode Lottery and was commissioned by The Mighty Creatives, an award-winning charity that provides creative youth services for the most under-represented young people in society. Talking about the film at the premiere showing, Casey said: “The Mighty Creatives… Read More

Yes to connection, partnership, creativity and change

A packed King Power Stadium says yes to connection, partnership, creativity and change! In opening the conference our CEO Kieran Breen shared I hope this conference gives us all a chance to learn from the collective wisdom and experience of those present, and to forge new connections and partnerships. If we can build on this… Read More

Sandboxing: Qualitative Interviewing with Sand, Objects, and Figures

Please note: This event is being hosted externally and not through Exchange Wales. Family & Community external events listings are posted to inform the wider community about external events including workshops, opportunities for families, children and young people, and helpful resources. Wed, 27 Nov 202413:30 – 15:00 School of Education, University of Bristol This event is… Read More