If Racism Vanished for a Day…

By Luci Gorell Barnes A newly published paper from the study presents an overview of our research methodology. In it we discuss how we developed our relational and ethical arts-based approach, which aimed to foreground the children’s voices, and support their explorations of the nuanced and complex relationships between their external worlds and internal feelings.… Read More

“They Finally See Me, They Trust Me, My Brother’s Coming Home”

There is an increased understanding of the role of kinship care in raising children where their parents cannot. A lot of the media stories and current research talk about grandparents who step up and become the full-time carer for their grandchildren. However, kinship carers can be anyone who has a connection to a child – an aunt, a neighbour, a best friend’s family. They can also be the older brother or sister of the child needing an alternative carer. Read More

‘Talking about Race’ Resource for Primary Schools

Talking about Race’ is a new illustrated resource with an accompanying video, intended to support first conversations about race in primary schools. The ’Talking about Race’ resource is intended to disseminate messages from my research in 2010-2011, which focused on younger children’s navigation of race and belonging in two primary schools, back to schools and… Read More