vengo dall’Italia. Da piccola ho trascorso un periodo in affidamento di 8 anni, in 4 diverse famiglie (2 famiglie erano miei parenti). Ho avuto la mia prima figlia a 25 anni e la seconda a 29. Pensi che le esperienze vissute nel corso dell’infanzia influenzino il tuo modo di essere genitore? Le mie esperienze di… Read More
Mi chiamo Maria
vengo dall’Italia ma ho origini Rumene. Da piccola ho trascorso un periodo in comunità di 5 anni. Ho avuto mia figlia a 27 anni. Pensi che le esperienze vissute nel corso dell’infanzia influenzino il tuo modo di essere genitore? Mi rendo conto che da un lato sono molto severa, perché non vorrei fare gli stessi… Read More
Mi chiamo Orges
vengo dall’Italia ma ho origini albanesi. Da piccolo ho trascorso un periodo in comunità di 13 anni. Ho avuto il mio primo figlio a 23 anni e la seconda a 26. Pensi che le esperienze vissute nel corso dell’infanzia influenzino il tuo modo di essere genitore? La prima cosa è che io ho sempre avuto… Read More
Mi chiamo Daniele
Vengo dall’Italia e da piccolo ho trascorso un periodo in affido e uno in comunità, complessivamente di 11 anni. Ho avuto mio figlio a 34 anni. Pensi che le esperienze vissute nel corso dell’infanzia influenzino il tuo modo di essere genitore? Si impara molto dall’infanzia, dal modo in cui siamo stati trattati, però questo è… Read More
My name is Erika
I am from Italy. As a child I spent 8 years in foster care, in 4 different families (2 families were my relatives). I had my first daughter at 25 and my second at 29. Do you think your experiences growing up affect the way you parent? My experiences as a child gave me more… Read More
My name is Jen
I am in my early thirties and I live with my husband and young son. I am also pregnant and due to give birth any day. This will be my 5th child but it will be the first time that I go into labour not worrying about Children’s Services, not waiting for the conversation with… Read More
My name is Maria
I come from Italy but have Romanian origins. As a child, I spent five years in residential care. I had my daughter when I was 27 Do you think your experiences growing up affect the way you parent? I realise that on the one hand I am very strict, because I don’t want to make… Read More
My name is Harriet
I am from London. At 17 I was ‘looked after’ in an arrangement approved by the state, outside my immediate or extended family home. I had my first child at 18. After my first antenatal appointment at the hospital it came to light that a midwife was not convinced with my capacity to cope with pregnancy. Hence,… Read More
My name is Orges
I come from Italy but have Albanian origins. As a child I spent 13 years in residential care. I had my first child at 23 and my second at 26. Do you think your experiences growing up affect the way you parent? The first thing is that I always wanted a family and I was… Read More
My name is Gillian
I am from Scotland Growing up, I spent time in kinship care, residential schools, secure accommodation and foster homes. I had my first child when I was 17 years old. I have 2 other children; I was 23 when I had my second child and 27 when I had my third child. Do you think your experiences… Read More