Mae’r podlediad hwn yn dod ag ymchwilwyr blaenllaw, ymarferwyr a defnyddwyr gwasanaeth at ei gilydd i rannu arbenigedd, tystiolaeth ymchwil a phrofiadau o ofal.

Bydd rhagor o bodlediadau ar gael ar amrywiaeth o blatfformau cyn bo hir. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cyfrannu at bodlediad ExChange Cymru, cysylltwch â ni.

Lemn Sissay OBE reflections on care – ExChange Wales ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource

Professor Alyson Rees, in conversation with Lemn Sissay OBE, about his experience in care as a child. In his memoir "My Name Is Why", Sissay reflects on his childhood, self-expression and Britishness, and in doing so, explores the institutional care system, race, family and the meaning of home. We explore Sissay's experience in care, his relationships with his support workers & the messages "My Name Is Why" has for social care. Featuring: Lemn Sissay OBEProf Alyson ReesLorna Stabler
  1. Lemn Sissay OBE reflections on care – ExChange Wales
  2. The Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) Network – ExChange Wales
  3. Survivors’ stories: Survivors of domestic abuse in conversation – ExChange Wales
  4. Building and developing strengths-based approaches in adult services – ExChange Wales
  5. 'In My Skin' writer, Kayleigh Llewellyn – ExChange Wales
  6. Co-production and Asset Based approaches – ExChange Wales
  7. Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults in England – ExChange Wales
  8. Transitions in kinship care – ExChange Wales
  9. Supporting Care Experienced Parents Transition to University – ExChange Wales
  10. Supporting Care Experienced Parents – ExChange Wales

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