Grant, A., Morgan, M., Mannay, D. and Gallagher, D., 2019. Understanding health behaviour in pregnancy and infant feeding intentions in low-income women from the UK through qualitative visual methods and application to the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour) model. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Grant, A., Mannay, D. and Marzella, R., 2018. ‘People try and police your behaviour’: the impact of surveillance on mothers and grandmothers’ perceptions and experiences of infant feeding. Families, Relationships and Societies, 7(3), pp.431-447.
Allweddeiriau: bwydo ar y fron, fformiwla babanod, marwoldeb, mamolaeth, goruchwylio, stigma, dulliau gweledol, ymchwil cyfranogol, ymchwil ansoddol
Neaum, S. (2018). Engaging with literacy provision in the early years: Language use and emergent literacy in child-initiated play. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 1468798418783310.
Allweddeiriau: Llythrennedd ddatblygol, Halliday, defnydd iaith ymarferol, chwarae a gychwynnir gan blant, addysg plentyndod cynnar, llythrennedd, blynyddoedd cynnar, Mathetig, Pragmatig, addysg ffurfiol, ymgysylltu mewn chwarae