Child with headphones walking

The Welsh Government Children and Communities Grant (CCG) seeks to address the needs of the most vulnerable children, young people and adults in our society through a range of early intervention, prevention and support mechanisms.  The programmes within this grant aim to mitigate or remove disadvantage to vulnerable people to enable them to have the same life chances as others and contribute to a more equal Wales.

The CCG brings together the following eight programmes:

  • Childcare and Play (including Training and Support Programme)
  • Families First
  • Flying Start
  • Out of Court Parenting Support
  • Promoting Positive Engagement for Young People at Risk of Offending (PPE)
  • St David’s Day Fund
  • Playworks Holiday Project
  • Early Intervention Parenting Support Grant

The Children and Communities Grant supports local authorities to consider how to deliver the services they provide more strategically.  Flexibility within this grant can support and promote joint planning and commissioning to make more effective use of the funding in pursuit of the constituent programmes’ aims and objectives. There is an expectation that this extra freedom will allow a more strategic approach to delivering for the most vulnerable in society.

Case studies


Angelsey– Families First (2024)

Angelsey Flying Start-Chidcare (2024)

Angelsey Flying Start- SLT (2024)

Blaenau Gwent

Prior to Christmas, Families First, in conjunction with Blaenau Gwent 0-25 Disability Team, held three taster sessions for a new arts and crafts group, running at Rassau Resource Centre in Ebbw Vale for young adults with a disability, aged 16-25 years.

The group is facilitated by Chris Walters who is a local artist based in Blaenau Gwent with a wealth of knowledge and seemed the perfect fit for the job – Chris came highly recommended and goes above and beyond all expectations. Both Families First and the Disability Team support Chris with the sessions every week.

The gap in the service was identified and discussed at an ‘all things disability’ meeting – we then worked to bridge that gap and have luckily had a brilliant response to it. We have over 12 young people participating every week and we anticipate more joining the group in the weeks ahead.

As we hoped, we have had a lot of engagement from the local community and this engagement continues beyond the participants; we have had a few inquiries from people living in the local area who would like to volunteer – a post went out through GAVO explaining the new project and there are already very kind people offering their services and wanting to become involved – this process is on-going.

The aim of the group was to give these young adults a voice, independence, a purpose and the opportunity to learn new skills and make new friendships – it is absolutely paramount that services such as this exist to ensure that young adults with disabilities get their voices heard, are integrated within our local community, and that they feel valued, appreciated and inspired.

This group is funded until March 2022, but we are hoping and anticipating to work beyond this date to continue its brilliant success.

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 1 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 2 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 3 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 4 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 5 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 6 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- Case Study 7 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent CCG Legacy Fund: Early Intervention Family Support Case Study 1 (2020)

Blaenau Gwent CCG Legacy Fund: Early Intervention Family Support Case Study 2 (2020)

Blaenau Gwent- CCG Case Study 1 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- CCG Case Study 2 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- CCG Case Study 3 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- CCG Case Study 4 (2024)

Blaenau Gwent- CCG Case Study 5 (2024)


Bridgend- CCG Case Study 1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 2(2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 2.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 3 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 3.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 4 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 4.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 5 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 5.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 6 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 6.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 7 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 7.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 8 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 8.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 9 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 9.1 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 10 (2024)

Bridgend- CCG Case Study 10.1 (2024)


Cardiff- Case Studies (2024)


Carmarthenshire- Case Study Video (2024)

Activity packs gifted to Flying Start families (2021)


Ceredigion- LA Case Study PPE (2024)

Ceredigion- LA Case Study 1 PPE (2024)

Ceredigion- LA Case Study 2 PPE (2024)

Ceredigion: “Worried about Your Teenager?” Targeted Parent Support 2020 (2020)


Family Centres provide support for families in their local communities – the right help at the right time. Through the Covid-19 period, we have found innovative solutions by working in partnership with others. We worked with Conwy Castle to open up for individual families of children with additional needs to have an experience they wouldn’t normally be able to access, and with closed schools during lockdown to use their playgrounds for families without access to outdoor space. We are working with food banks and the Wellbeing Team to distribute slow cookers, ingredients and recipes to families. We are developing a clothes swap project with local charities and community groups, which has both financial and environmental benefits. We are also delivering webinars and bitesize video clips with expert partners. For more information about our services, visit FamilyLife

Conwy- Case Study English (2024)

Conwy- Case Study 1 English (2024)

Conwy- Case Study 2 English (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 1 (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 1.1 (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 2 (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 2.1 (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 3 (2024)

Conwy- CCG Case Study 3.1 (2024)


Denbighshire- CCG Case Study 1 (2024)

Denbighshire- CCG Case Study 2 (2024)

Denbighshire- CCG Case Study 3 (2024)

Integrated Families First and Flying Start Programmes in Denbighshire (2021-2022)


Gwynedd-CCG-Case-Study (2024)


Flintshire-LA-Case-Study-Childcare-and-Play-1 (2024)

Isle of Angelsey

Isle-of-Anglesey-County-Council-CCG-Case-Studies-Claim-3-2023-24 (2023-2024)


Monmouthshire- Case Study 1 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 2 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 3 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 4 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 5 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 6 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 7 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 8 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 9 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 10 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 11 (2024)

Monmouthshire- Case Study 12 (2024)

Monmouthshire-CCG-Case-Study-1 (2024)

Monmouthshire-CCG-Case-Study-2 (2024)

Integrating Families and Community Together InFaCT Project – Monmouthshire Case Vignette (2023)


Newport- Case Study 1 (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Families First (Sparkle) (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Families First (Preventions) (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Families First (Youth) (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Families First- Play Summer Holidays 2024 (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Promoting Positive Engagement For Young People (2024)

Newport- Case Study: Promoting Positive Engagement For Young People 2 (2024)

Newport- CCG Case Study 1 (2024)

Newport- CCG Case Study 2 (2024)

Newport- CCG Case Study 3 (2024)

Newport Youth Academy: Young person progresses into employment (2021)

Families First Support (2021)


Powys-CCG-Monitoring-3-Revised (2024)

Powys- Home Start Case Study (2024)


RCT- Flying Start Case Study (2024)

RCT- CAB Case Study (2024)

RCT- Counselling Service Case Study: Resilient Families Service(2024)

RCT- Case Study 1 (2024)

RCT- CCG Case Study (2024)

RCT- CCG Case Study 2 (2024)


Swansea- Flying Start Childcare and Speech and Language Impact Case Study (2024)


Torafen- PPE Case Study 1 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 2 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 3 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 4 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 5 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 6 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 7 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 8 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 9 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 10 (2024)

Torafen- PPE Case Study 11 (2024)

Torfaen Case Study 3 (2024)

Torfaen Case Study (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 2 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 4 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 5 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 6 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 7 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 9 (2024)

Torfaen CCG Case Study 10 (2024)


Wrexham CCG Monitoring (2022)

Wrexham- Nest Case Study (2024)

Wrexham CCG Monitoring Family Centres (2023-2024)

Llyndir Project and Participant gaining employment (2022)

Case Studies

ELD Case Study (2024)

FF CAS Studies (2024)

Midwife Case Study (2024)

MWSW Case Study (2024)

SLT Case Study (2024)

The Early Years Pathfinder Study (2024)

Families First Youth Support Case Study (2023)

Barnardos Family Life Skills Service Case Study (2023)

Client Case Study- Jo (2022)

Client Case Study- Gloria (2022)

Client Case Study- Judy (2022)

Communities for Work Plus Case Study- Community Employment Mentor Lucy Sparkes (2021)

Communities for Work Plus- Case Study (2021)


People LWR Project (2024)

Summer Buddy Scheme Report (2024)

NEST in Action (2023)

Astudiaeth-Achos-Adroddiad-ar-Ddiwedd-Ymyrraeth (2021)

Flying Start App Launched to Connect with Families (2021)